University of California, San Diego
1Name of the institution
 University of California, San Diego
2City, State where institution is located
 San Diego, California
 United States of America
4Institution's webpage (URL)
5Department Web Page / URL (If Any)
6Course 1 (Name of the Course)
 Hindi for Hindi speakers
7Course 1 - Short Description or URL
 For students who speak and comprehend informal spoken Hindi but wish to improve their communicative and sociocultural competence and their analytic understanding. Language functions for oral communication, reading, writing, and family life/festivals; dialect and language style differences; structure and history of Hindi. May not receive credit for both LIHL119 and LIHL119F. Courses may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor; appropriate proficiency for level.
8Course 2 (Name of the Course)
 Advanced Hindi for Hindi speakers
9Course 2 - Short Description or URL
 Instruction stresses language function required for advanced oral communication, reading, writing, and cultural understanding in professional contexts, with emphasis on domestic culture. High-level vocabulary and texts; dialect differences and formal language styles (registers). Advanced structural analysis and history of Hindi. LIHL139F, LIHL139W, and LIHL139P may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor; appropriate proficiency for level.
22Professor 1 - Name
23Professor 1 - Title / URL
33Email Address
34Your Name

HindiSePyarHai project has been launched to accomplish certain tasks which remain to be completed in the Hindi language.
A project run by Hindi-loving volunteers, HindiSePyarHai invites you to also be a part of the initiative.

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